Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

All MBBS and BDS doctors recognized by BMDC, Intern Doctors and 4 members of each Doctor’s family (Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Spouse or Offspring) can be shareholders. Medical / Dental College Students can also be a shareholder but they must have Certificate as a Medical/Dental College student issued by their College Principal. They can not refer any family member until they pass MBBS/BDS degree.

Of course, but only with the permission of the appropriate authority and if that is not possible, any 4 members of The Doctor’s family can remain as shareholders.

– The price of each share of the Company is 1000 Tk (1 thousand). A doctor can take a minimum of 100 shares or 1,00,000 (1 lakh) tk value share.

-A family member of a doctor can also take 100 shares.

#That means one can be a Shareholder by only 1,00,000 tk.

All the doctors recognized by BMDC, their family members & All Medical/Dental College students. We have ensured such a platform by forming UADW Public Limited Company.

There is no substitute for ensuring the participation of all Doctors & Medical/Dental College Students and maintaining equality among all shareholders.

A shareholder should provide the following documents

-Scan copy of TIN Or Tax Identification Number Certificate

-Scan copy of Passport_size photo of shareholder

-Scan copy of Signature

-Scan copy of BMDC reg. certificate
( Intern Doctor Can Use their Temporary Reg. Certificate)
(Medical/Dental College students should submit their Certificate as a Medical/Dental College student issued by their College Principal)

After submission of all information, documents & money there will be a proper verification.After verification if every information is true than the applicant will be Registered in RJSC as a shareholder.He/She will get a confirmation message from us & his/her name will be added on our website in definite page. After that u will get a share certificate from us.

After 1 year of running the Diagnostic Center, shareholders will get profit & that will be determined by Government audit yearly.

There will be a special team & a different policy for shareholders to provide attracting health facilities. There will be a maximum discount in all sector of the Diagnostic Center for the shareholders. Shareholders will receive this facilities from the 1st day of running of the Diagnostic Center.

#Our first and main priority is to ensure health security for doctors and their families.

Yes, but according to the laws it should be sell or transfer to another doctor or doctor’s family member.

You have to ready the the soft copy of the required documents then visit our website and go to our project page.
After reading all terms & conditions you can apply to become a registered shareholder by our online application form with proper documents which are mentioned before.
But before that u should do two things

1. first u should give registration fee to specific Bkash number which is given on our website

2. You should deposit definite amount of money to our company account by cheque in respect to number of shares you want to buy.

Yes, you have to give a minimum registration fee in purpose of office cost, lawyer cost, company registration fee, staff cost, making website etc expanses. Every shareholder should give 1015 taka at a time as registration fee which is nonrefundable.

A specific Bkash number will given on website & shareholders should give money to that number & shareholders should preserve that Bkash number & transaction number.

-Shareholder should have his own bank account. This is mandatory.

– He should deposit same amounts of money in respect to shares from his own accounts to company account by cheque. He should preserve cheque number & money deposit slip for further use.

– Which means money should be transferred from shareholders own account to company account.

– Any other process like cash deposit or hand to hand money transfer is not acceptable & we strictly prohibited that, Company will not be responsible for such action.

If any quarry or problems arise plz contact our helpline number given in the website, everyday from 10.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m. & on Friday from 09.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.


Helpline: 01810 122 422
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